An EASA AOC is only granted to operators conducting EASA Part-CAT operations. National public transport operations will continue to require a National AOC, e.g. Police and Search and Rescue. Operations undertaken by one person These are included in Part-ORO.GEN.


Centre de sociologie des organisations (CSO), SciencesPo i Paris Seconded National Experts as Part of Early Mover Strategies in the European Paper presented at 14th EASA Biennial Conference, Milano, Italy, July 

→Until the organisation complies with Part-CAMO,. 21 avr. 2017 EASA OPS), Part-SPO (SPecialised Operations), est applicable à tout exploitant effectuant des exploitations spécialisées commerciales avec  27 September 2016);; EASA Workshop on “Part-SPO – Brace for Implementation” (dd. 12 Januari 2017);; Brief commerciële sectorpartij Rechtsongelijkheid door  7 Apr 2017 So far I was able to cope with my CAA and EASA but now I'm fighting a losing battle against Part-SPO. Rewriting a new OM for aerial work  24.

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BASIC REGULATION  This seminar is developed and designed for all those who require an overview of the EASA Part Specialized Operations defined as commercial or  Rules – Operations), but it is also known as EASA OPS or EASA AIR OPS. Part-SPO (specialised operations) establishes operational requirements for air  21 Nov 2017 EASA's new SPO regulation directly affects the daily work of aerial survey companies. Indirectly this can have an impact on the success of survey  18 Oca 2013 Bilindiği üzere, Avrupa Havacılık Emniyet Ajansı (EASA) ile Genel Complex Motor-Powered Aircraft) ve Part-SPO (Specialised Operations)'  From April 2017 all specialised aviation operators must have EASA Part SPO manuals (consisting of Part SPO Operations Manual, a Safety Management  19 items Part-SPO - Specialised Operations · 17 Sep 2019. Acceptable Means of Compliance (AMC) and Guidance Material (GM) · 21 Mar 2019. Acceptable Means  10 Aug 2018 Part-SPO, where the requirements of the specialised operations with aircraft are published, such as agriculture, construction, photography,  22 May 2014 complex motor-powered aircraft (CMPA).

20 Sep 2016 Flying activities currently known as 'Aerial Work' will fall under a new EASA regulation called Part-SPO (SPO = Specialised Operations) from  Nova Systems is a UK-based helicopter operator operating under the EASA Part SPO regualtory framework. Using our EC135 we offer the following services to  Easy and free access to EASA regulation.

Comment Response Tool CRT information hub right-click on any row for available actions Showing documents 21-30 from a total of 343

Absetzfliegerei Eigene Arbeitsgruppe der EASA zu OPS Part SPO! (Leiter: Joel HENKS, Belgier; ATPL-Pilot und ehem. Fallschirmspringer!) Aktuell CRD (= Comment Response Document) dazu publiziert (= 1. Entwurf zur Kommentierung!) Se hela listan på MIAMI – The European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) announces it plans to relax Single Pilot Operations (SPO) requirements.. Current Head of EASA Patrick Ky initially said that the relaxation of rules would be for less important elements of flights, such as cruising, while a more substantial relaxation of the rules allowing single-pilot operations for the whole flight could only be “a Regulation 1321/2014 consists of four parts: 1.

Refer to the EASA SUP webpage for information on confirmed unapproved parts, SUP under investigation, and stolen parts. Remarks For further information on the technical content of this SIB and the SUP list, contact the EASA Safety Investigation and Reporting Section, Safety Management Directorate: E-mail: IORS[at]

Part spo easa

Specialiserad flygverksamhet (SPO) Luftvärdighet. Sida 0. 2019-03-28. Rev 0 när det kommer nya eller ändrade regler från EASA eller Transportstyrelsen och dessa regler är i konflikt med våra procedurer.

ePART-OPS provides EASA Air Operations regulation (Parts ARO, ORO, CAT, SPA, NCC, NCO, SPO and 26) with allacceptable means of compliance (AMC) and guidance material (GM) in a digital format which is Complete, Current, Consolidated and Clickable UK-EU Transition References to EU regulation or EU websites in our guidance will not be an accurate description of your obligations or rights under UK law – read more. Reference: CAP1548 Title: EASA Part-SPO Declared Operators Description: List of EASA Part-SPO declared operators. Status: Current Review Comment: None Version: 1 Date: 11 August 2017 EASA Air Operations Part-ORO, Part-NCC and Part-SPA, fully or partially as required. These operators shall submit to FOCA a declaration which includes a list of approvals (SPAs) held. non-commercial operators of complex motor-powered aircraft registered in an EASA State and having the principal place of business or residence in Switzerland. Any commercial SPO operator conducting a high risk activity will require a High Risk Authorisation.
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Part spo easa


Dependent on availability, ePART-OPS provides EASA Air Operations regulation (Parts ARO, ORO, CAT, SPA, NCC, NCO, SPO and 26) with allacceptable means of compliance (AMC) and guidance material (GM) in a digital format which is Complete, Current, Consolidated and Clickable The European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) has published Commission Regulation (EU) No 965/2012 laying down technical requirements and administrative procedures related to air operations. These new EU Regulations have an impact on how National Aviation Authorities (NAA) and Operators work and demonstrate their compliance with regulations. Part-SPO covers: Specialised Operations by operators conducting: Commercial SPO operations with any aircraft Non-commercial SPO operations with complex aircraft SPO.GEN.105 allows: Non-commercial SPO operations with other-than complex motor-powered aircraft to be conducted under Part-NCO Part-NCO Subpart E (NCO.SPEC) covers: Operators should refer to the EASA regulation and to the Acceptable Means of Compliance material developed by EASA. The CAA is also devoting a part of its website to Part-SPO and will be publishing updates there.
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19 items Part-SPO - Specialised Operations · 17 Sep 2019. Acceptable Means of Compliance (AMC) and Guidance Material (GM) · 21 Mar 2019. Acceptable Means 

AMC & GM to Part-SPO ‘Amendment 6’ Acceptable means of compliance and guidance material to implementing rules related to flight recorders, underwater locating devices and aircraft tracking systems (Second set) In the context of Part-SPO, the intent of ‘applicable national flight time limitation legislation’ with regard to specialised operators is understood to mean the national law of the Member State in which the operator has its principal place of business, or, where the operator has no principal place of business, the place where the operator is established or resides. EASA Air Operations Regulation (EU) No 965/2012 Part-SPO (Specialised Operations) applies to any aircraft operation, other than commercial air transport, where the aircraft is used for specialised activities such as agriculture, construction, photography, surveying, observation, patrol and aerial advertisement. An EASA AOC is only granted to operators conducting EASA Part-CAT operations. National public transport operations will continue to require a National AOC, e.g.

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Annex VIII Specific Operations including commercial and noncommercial operations (Part-SPO). 7. 8 Ikraftträdande EASA regelverket ska tillämpas senast från 


Det internationella samarbetet inom ICAO, Eurocontrol, EU och senare EASA har Regulation Initial airworthiness Annex I Part-21 Annex VIII Part-SPO ASM

COMMENCEMENT This Directive shall come into force on 9th May 2018. APPLICABILITY Civil Aviation (Safety) Regulation 2017, Part 8, Regulation 40. INCORPORATION OF INTERNATIONAL AVIATION STANDARDS 2017-03-06 · EASA's new Part-SPO rules take effect from April 21 but there appears to be confusion as to which operators these apply to. EASA Air Operations Regulation (EU) No 965/2012 Annex VII, Part-NCO, applies to non-commercial flights in other-than complex motor-powered EASA aircraft.

Andreförare eller spanare ska alltid ingå i besättningen och ska vara väl insatt i uppdraget  Det internationella samarbetet inom ICAO, Eurocontrol, EU och senare EASA har Regulation Initial airworthiness Annex I Part-21 Annex VIII Part-SPO ASM Certificeret I henhold til EASA Part M: DK.MF.0001samt Part G/I: part-NCO samt Part-CAT och Part-SPO, och hur vi ska kunna skapa en ny  Learjet-35, Airtractor AT-802 Fireboss samt Mitsubishi MU-2B och vi söker certifierade flygtekniker med erfarenhet av arbete i Part-145 underhållsverkstad. used either wholly or in part for the arrival, departure and surface movement of aircraft; form EASA of the nature of the exemptions at latest two months after the exemption Numbers are to be spo- ken in accordance with  EASA CPL(A) or the possibility of valid conversion You have an ability to work under a SPO operator organizational chart in High risk operations at low altitude with emphasis on safety has been a big part of what we do at  nomförandet av en internationell luftfartspo- litik, ties and their Member States, of the one part, and the view Certificate (EASA Form 15a). Kustbevakningsflyget opererar under Part-SPO och Part-ORO med tre i EASA OPS samt kunskap om gällande regelverk i EASA OPS, EASA  (b) The MMEL, as defined in the mandatory part of the operational suitability Vi fick säkert alla intrycket av att EASA skulle ta fram en MMEL som är Vi måste göra det snart för vår PA18 för en DEL-SPO verksamhet och till  Fortlöpande luftvärdighetsövervakning av EASA-luftfartyg samt 2 kap. 7 §. 15 § För tillstånd och tillsyn enligt Part SPO i kommissionens förordning. Motsvarar EU-OPS kapitel N i stora drag förutom att vissa Tillägg till paragrafer nu återfinns i EASA AMC. Section 3: Regler för kommersiell SPO. Lättnader  av E Al Hamrani · 2017 — introduced into a new section under AMC & GM (Guidance Material).