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Definition of world population in the dictionary. Meaning of world population. What does world population mean? Information and translations of world population in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web.

What does population mean? Population is the number of people or animals in a particular place. (noun) An example of population is over eight milli A parameter is a characteristic of a population. A statistic is a characteristic of a sample. Inferential statistics enables you to make an educated guess about a population parameter based on a statistic computed from a sample randomly drawn from that population (see Figure 1).

Population meaning

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Содержание. В этом словаре. POPULATION перевод на украинский язык. Контекстный перевод.

Контекстный перевод.

Population is the number of people or animals in a particular place. (noun) An example of population is over eight milli Dictionary ! Menu. Dictionary Thesaurus Examples Sentences Population meaning. pŏp'yə-lā'shən . Filters

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2021-04-10 · Population size effect = gamma g or its equivalent, e.g. eta squared h 2; use recommended values for small, medium, or large effect for the statistical

Population meaning

all the people or animals of…. Learn more. Population definition, the total number of persons inhabiting a country, city, or any district or area. See more. Define population. population synonyms, population pronunciation, population translation, English dictionary definition of population. n.

Importance of population data. Collecting and analyzing population data is integral as there is constant change in each passing day, month, and year. Here are three main reasons why population data is essential: Collect data on population growth and decline: The human population has increased practically non-stop throughout history.
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Population meaning

On the other hand, your population is the broader group of people to whom you intend to generalize the results of your study. Your sample will always be a subset of your population. Your exact population will depend on the scope of your study. population meaning, definition, what is population: the number of people living in a particu: Learn more.

Dictionary Thesaurus Examples Sentences Population meaning. pŏp'yə-lā'shən . Filters Meaning of Population Projections: Population projections are calculations of future birth rate, death rate and migration of population based on their past and present conditions.
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Population may refer to the number of people living in a region or a pool from which a statistical sample is taken. See our population definition here.

How to use population in a sentence. Population may refer to the number of people living in a region or a pool from which a statistical sample is taken.

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Downvote from a user and Acceptance of the asker. Of course, you can't see much. Not that this is going in a direction of a constructive argument. If you insist on the meaning of this construction, observe how the noun (target population) is functioning with respect to the sentence. It is in the meaning. – chatterji Jan 15 '15 at 10:45

backward population. underutvecklad befolkning. exchange of population. Translation for 'population' in the free Swedish-English dictionary and many other English translations.

2019-05-09 · What Constitutes a Population? A statistical population is any group of individuals who are the subject of a study, meaning that almost anything can make up a population so long as the individuals can be grouped together by a common feature, or sometimes two common features. For example, in a study that is trying to determine the mean wei

= ness rifbet . fattigdom , ofruktbarhet , omklig-  Population definition is - the whole number of people or inhabitants in a country or region. How to use population in a sentence. A group of individuals of the same species occupying a particular geographic area. Populations may be relatively small and closed, as on an island or in a valley, or they may be more diffuse and without a clear boundary between them and a neighboring population of the same species. the number of people living in a particular country, area, or town: a population of 12,000/175,000/13 million, etc.

This definition is compatible with related conceptualizations of innovation systems and natural ecosystems,  population. Wiktionary: befolkning → the population · population [the ~] noun Your free, fast, and simple translation dictionary. Copyright © 2000-2021  Over 80% of Nepal's population identifies as Hindu — a religion that been practiced in the nation for hundreds of years. In this podcast, Axel Michaels from  the prevalence of single-parent families), and density, or population. The nature of social relationships within the neighbourhood is perhaps the most important  Definition: Sannolikhetsurval innebär (1) att det finns en entydigt definierad population från vilken urval ska göras med hjälp av en viss urvalsram, och (2) att urval  Resurser · Social · Data Dictionary · Mer information  Unfortunately, this definition necessitates that about 20 % of the cognitively normal HIV-infected population is classified as suffering ANI. This liberal definition  Definition 1; Definition 2; Definition 3. The unemployed labour force includes all Statistics using the definition. Employment.