PerformAir provides documentation support for all types of EASA manuals. EASA-OPS. CAT; SPA; NCC; NCO; SPO; EASA Part M. EASA Part 145. If you decide to implement a Management System Manual (MSM)/Corporate Manual (CM)/Operations Management Manual (OMM), PerformAir has a readily available template that easily can be customized to your needs.


EASA Form 2 Bilaga SPO Authorisations. BSL14383. Vid ansökan/förändring av Form 151 (Authorisations) använd denna bilaga. Ladda ner blanketten Version 2.0. Utgiven 2018-10-01. PDF 103 kB. Tyck till om innehållet på sidan Om sidan Senast ändrad Senast uppdaterad: 2020-10-19, kl 16:59. Jobba hos oss

BSL14383. Vid ansökan/förändring av Form 151 (Authorisations) använd denna bilaga. Ladda ner blanketten Version 2.0. Utgiven 2018-10-01. PDF 103 kB.

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Vid ansökan om auktorisation så är det flera dokument  TRAINING: EASA Air Operations - Commercial Air Transport for Aeroplanes The European Union has published Commission Regulation (EU) No 965/2012  -. Bilaga VIII – Del-SPO, tekniska krav för särskilda verksamheter (bruksflyg). Yttrandet om dessa återstående krav kommer att offentliggöras i ett  EASA, (European Union Aviation Safety Agency) Europeiska unionens byrå för III (Del-ORO) och bilaga VIII (Del-SPO) till kommissionens förordning (EU) nr  EASA. Part-NCO.

Register now. Request at your location.

Oversight The CAA's oversight activities relating to SPO will be paid for by SPO operators. It is not yet possible to determine the level of resource required and therefore the associated costs to be recovered through charging. The regulations are required to be met by all member states and are standardised by EASA.

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Title: EASA Part-SPO (Specialised Operations) Declaration Form Description: The purpose of this Information Notice is to notify operators affected by the introduction of Part-SPO that the form for submitting declarations is now available to use Status: Cancelled on 15 May 2017 Review Comment: None Version: 1 Date: 12 January 2017

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The course is ideal for any organisation that wants its management personnel to understand the implication of EASA SPO for itself and for the NAA overseeing it. Note: This course is also ideally suited to be run at the client's location with the majority of the management personnel attending so they all receive the same information. EASA Air Operations Regulation (EU) No 965/2012 Part-SPO (Specialised Operations) applies to any aircraft operation, other than commercial air transport, where the aircraft is used for specialised activities such as agriculture, construction, photography, surveying, observation, patrol and aerial advertisement. EASA SIB No.: 2018-16 This is information only. Recommendations are not mandatory. system used under SPO and NCO.SPEC, are airworthiness approved. Commercial special operations requires either a permission from Traficom a declaration to Traficom depending on whether the operations are defined as high risk or or other than high risk in regulation OPS M1-33.

Oversight The CAA's oversight activities relating to SPO will be paid for by SPO operators. It is not yet possible to determine the level of resource required and therefore the associated costs to be recovered through charging. The regulations are required to be met by all member states and are standardised by EASA. Regulation (EU) 2018/1139 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 4 July 2018 on common rules in the field of civil aviation and establishing a European Union Aviation Safety Agency, and amending Regulations (EC) No 2111/2005, (EC) No 1008/2008, (EU) No 996/2010, (EU) No 376/2014 and Directives 2014/30/EU and 2014/53/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council, and repealing Easy Access Rules for Air Operations - Revision 14, October 2019 We constantly strive to improve the consolidated version of the Air Operations regulation in the Easy Access Rules format. For this, we always consider your suggestions. Your feedback is important because you help us create a better tool for you. Revision 14 of Easy Access Rules on Air Operations includes: EASA Part SPO Manuals In April 2017 all specialised aviation operators must have EASA Part SPO manuals and must make a declaration to the Competent Authority in their country.
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Safety Management & Promotion | EASA */ /*-->*/ 1 (1) BSL14382, 2. 0, 2018-10-01 Bilaga EASA Form 2 NCC/NCO/SPO (Specific approvals) Ange omfattningen av tillståndet eller förändringen av tillståndet nedan EASA Form 14 ☐ AOC (CAT) EASA Form 138/139 ☐ OL ☐ NCC/NCO/SPO. EASA Form 140 specific ☐ ORA (ATO) ☐ SPO. Tillståndsnummer SE.CAMO.

Tillståndsnummer SE.OL. approvals SE.LOSA. Tillståndsnummer SE.ATO.
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EASA Part SPO Manuals In April 2017 all specialised aviation operators must have EASA Part SPO manuals and must make a declaration to the Competent Authority in their country. Part SPO Manuals consist of: A Part SPO Operations Manual

Further information on Part-NCC and Part-SPO may be found in guidance material provided by FOCA or EASA. 0.3 Scope Part-CAT Part-CAT AMC/GM Part-Definitions Part-Definitions GM Part-ORO Part-ORO AMC/GM Part-SPO Part-SPO AMC/GM : RMT.0643: Regular update of AMC-20: update of EASA AMC 20-115C and FAA AC 20-115C : NPA 2017-02 : AMC-20 : RMT.0513 & RMT.0514: Implementation of the CAEP/10 amendments on climate change, emissions and noise : NPA 2017-01 Specialised operations (SPO) are not commercial air transport (CAT) operation; hence, passengers cannot be transported during a SPO mission flight. However, task specialists may be carried during such a flight.

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Rules – Operations), but it is also known as EASA OPS or EASA AIR OPS. Part-SPO (specialised operations) establishes operational requirements for air 

☐ AOC (CAT) EASA Form 138/139 Tillståndsnummer SE.AOC.

Feb 12, 2021 Specialised operations (formerly called aerial work) is where the aircraft is used for activities such as agriculture, construction, photography, 

Räfning, till biclmba St SPo» nitörer i golfffolor. ©amlabe  Första hjälpen-kit EASA-OPS /First aid kit. 1-9 Passagerare. 440-2125-00. 4 875 SEK / st. Lagerstatus: I lager.

Title: EASA Part-SPO (Specialised Operations) Declaration Form Description: The purpose of this Information Notice is to notify operators affected by the introduction of Part-SPO that the form for submitting declarations is now available to use Status: Cancelled on 15 May 2017 Review Comment: None Version: 1 Date: 12 January 2017 Průvodce pravidly EU/EASA Manuál provozovatele SPO – tento dokument uvádí přehledným způsobem změny, které se v souvislosti s nástupem pravidel EU pro zvláštní provoz (SPO) prováděný letouny a vrtulníky dotknou po Chapter 2b Part Special Operations (SPO) EASA would like to welcome you to the 2017 version of the EASA Annual Safety Review. The review has been Rules – Operations), but it is also known as EASA OPS or EASA AIR OPS. Part-SPO (specialised operations) establishes operational requirements for air  This seminar is developed and designed for all those who require an overview of the EASA Part Specialized Operations defined as commercial or  Apply for EASA Special Operations Authorisation (SPO).